Conference “Art from inside”: revealing art secrets with science
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- Conference “Art from inside”: revealing art secrets with science
During XVII Settimana della Cultura d’Impresa di Con?ndustria, Fondazione Bracco promoted at Città della Scienza (Naples), a conference with experts to illustrate the strong relationship between art and science.A work of art continues to speak to us through the centuries, we know that. But perhaps we do not know that masterpieces contain not only immediately decipherable information. Science for art is a relatively recent discipline which, in just a few decades, has involved most of the experimental sciences in a number and variety of applications for works of art.Chemistry and physics help conserve works of art, but more than this, they also help to understand them better. Diagnostics in particular makes it possible to discover what is hidden under a layer of paint to uncover important evidence for dating, attribution and the technique and creative process of the artist.The conference "Art from Inside", held on 20 November 2018 at Città della Scienza (Naples), explored through the voices of experts some of the projects promoted by the Bracco Foundation, that over the years, has supported important national and international exhibitions with a high cultural and scientific profile, concentrating on diagnostic imaging applied to works of art. The secrets of Caravaggio, the mysteries of "Piccolo" violin by Lorenzo Storioni, the enigmatic Ladies by the Pollaiuolo brothers are some of the steps of this involving excursus.At the end of the conference, the public visited the exhibition "The Beauty of Imaging" on medical diagnostics, realised by the Bracco Group in 2017 on the occasion of its 90th Anniversary, revived this year in Naples.The Bracco Foundation enjoyed the Confindustria Week, thus demonstrating its commitment to business culture.