Lessons from 100 women with STEM expertise:T di TECHNOLOGY

T for TECHNOLOGY is the name of the second round of talks for teachers of primary and secondary schools in connection with “Le 100 esperte STEM vanno a scuola” [Lessons from 100 women with STEM expertise], held on Tuesday 7 February from 17:00 to 18:30.

In conjunction with Deascuola (a leading Italian school textbook publisher), the first in a series of talks in a project called “Le 100 esperte STEM vanno a scuola” [Lessons from 100 women with STEM expertise] was held. The purpose of the project is to make teachers and their male and female pupils aware of the opportunities and prospects that await those who enter the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Recently identified by the Ministry of Education as a national educational priority, the study of STEM subjects not only opens the way to a career in the science professions, but also furthers the cause of gender equality.

T for Technology was the theme of the webinar.
Every day, several times a day, we use search engines to look up places, information, events and activities that interest us. One of the main figures in the history of the development of the search engines that we know today is a woman by the name of Karen Spärck Jones, who graduated in philosophy and became a teacher before devoting herself to computer science.

“I think it is very important to bring women into the world of computer science. My motto is that information technology is too important to be left to the men.” Karen Spärck Jone (1935-2006)

The technology that now permeates our lives has optimized and enhanced most of the processes in the diverse fields in which it is applied.

On International Women's and Girls' Science Day on 11 February, Monica Gori, head of a research group at Istituto Italiano Tecnologia (IIT: the Italian Institute of Technology) and Simonetta Di Pippo, professor of Space Economics and director of the Space Economy Evolution Lab (SEE Lab) at the School of Management of the Bocconi University of Milan recounted their career experiences and spoke about neurorobotics and international aerospace cooperation.
The talk was informative on the themes of job opportunities and educational training courses, and included career guidance tips for female and male students.

Click here for more information: T for TECHNOLOGY.