string(4) "topo"
Exhibition “Piero della Francesca. The Augustinian Polyptych reunited”

Exhibition “Piero della Francesca. The Augustinian Polyptych reunited”

In a unique and unrepeatable exhibition, at the Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan, with the support of Fondazione Bracco as Main Partner, a masterpiece by Piero della Francesca (1412-1492): the Augustinian Polyptych will be presented-for the first time in history, after 555 years since its creation.

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Scienza e sociale

Science & social

The Straordinarie exhibition in Milan

The Straordinarie exhibition in Milan

After its success at the MAXXI in Rome, the Straordinarie exhibition travels to the Fabbrica del Vapore museum of Milan where it will run from 14 February to 17 March 2024 (entrance free of charge).

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Webinars for students and teachers from 100esperte

Webinars for students and teachers from 100esperte

The Bracco Foundation and DeAScuola, in collaboration with the "100 women against stereotypes" project (#100esperte), have arranged a new multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral training course consisting of three webinars for teachers and one for students from junior and senior secondary schools.

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News & Events



Social Report 2023

The Social Report 2023 gives a clear picture of an intense year, outlining the goals and commitments of the Bracco Foundation and offering an assessment of the impact of key projects, based on the value chain.

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Symposium for journalists: “Towards the Equality Olympics”

On Wednesday 3 July 2024, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (“Cattolica”University) hosts "Towards the Equality Olympics", a symposium dedicated to the theme of equal opportunities in sports journalism, which is highly topical in view of the imminent Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, in which, for the first time, an equal number of male and female athletes will participate: 5,250.

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12th Award Ceremony of progettoDiventerò

On Sunday 16 June 2024, at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, the Bracco Foundation presents the awards at the 12th prize-giving ceremony of progettoDiventerò (a multidisciplinary training project).

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The winners of the fifth “Ora di scienza!” [Science Hour!] call for projects

The Bracco Foundation presents the winners of the fifth Ora di scienza! call for projects, an inclusive science teaching project that benefits the local school system. This year's recipients were rewarded for projects relevant to the three educational pathways proposed in the call for projects.

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A project to reveal the hidden treasure of corporate art collections

On Monday 6 May 2024, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo hosted the launch of "Il segno dell’arte nelle imprese. Le collezioni corporate italiane per l’arte moderna e contemporanea", a monograph on Italian corporate collections of modern and contemporary art. The book, promoted by Confindustria and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, explores the hidden art treasures of Italian companies.

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Scholarships of Bracco Imaging 2024

BIM 2024 is a call for applications for 10 scholarships that the Bracco Foundation and Bracco Imaging traditionally sets aside for university students from towns neighbouring the company’s production plant at Cesano Maderno, namely: Bovisio Masciago, Ceriano Laghetto, Cesano Maderno, Cogliate, Limbiate and Solaro.

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Second edition of “Women in STEM” scholarships

The second of the "Women in STEM" call for projects of the Confindustria-affiliated Giuseppina Mai Foundation which, in collaboration with the Bracco Foundation and Progetto Steamiamoci-Assolombara, is offering seven scholarships, each worth €3,000, to deserving students enrolled in their first year of a master's degree in a STEM discipline (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in the academic year 2022/2023.

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30 September 2023

Scholarships of Bracco Imaging 2023

The BIM 2023 call for applications is open for 11 scholarships traditionally granted by the Bracco Foundation and Bracco Imaging to university students residing in the municipalities around the Cesano Maderno production site (Bovisio Masciago, Ceriano Laghetto, Cesano Maderno, Cogliate, Limbiate, Solaro).

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Second edition of the “Renato Ugo” scholarships for industrial research theses

Airi, in collaboration with Farmindustria, Bracco Foundation for young people, Fondazione Silvio Tronchetti Provera and Italcementi, announces prize scholarships named after Prof. Renato, the esteemed Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Milan who published hundreds of papers in international journals and held senior positions in major industries in the sector.
The five scholarships are organized as follows:

  • Section A | Four scholarships with a gross value of €5,000 each for students who in the academic year 2021/2022 are enrolled in the final year of a Master's degree at an Italian university and intend to conduct or are already conducting an experimental thesis in the field of industrial research focusing on the following sectors: Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry; Materials Sciences; Industrial Biotechnology; Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology.
  • Section B | One scholarship with a gross value of €5,000  for a student who in the academic year 2021/2022 is enrolled in the final year of a Master's degree at an Italian university and intends to conduct or is already conducting an experimental thesis on energy efficiency and new-generation batteries in the field of industrial research focusing on the following sectors: Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry; Materials Sciences; Chemical Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Energy and Nuclear Engineering.

The relevant online application form must be submitted by no later than 5.00 pm on 18 July 2022.
Bracco Foundation strongly supports this important initiative as part of progettoDiventerò, the ‘I will become’ multidisciplinary project for young people.


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The Foundation

Foundation is to create, promote and propagate expressions of culture, art and science, as a way to improve quality of life and social cohesion. Particular attention is paid to the role of women andthe young in the various aspects of life. A multidisciplinary approach and integration between forms of knowledgeare important qualitative criteria in both the planning and selection of partnerships.


years of activity


sectors: arts, science and social area


talented young people supported