Exhibition: Objectively better

From September 22, 2011 in the public areas of the CDI – Centro Diagnostico Italiano (Via Saint Bon , 20 – Milan), many youthful ideas on things that care and the care for things. The exhibition “Objectively better. Caring: ideas for a greater well-being” is sponsored by Bracco Foundation in collaboration with Domus Academy and the CDI, and is the second appointment in an organic and ambitious project.

Special concert with two great artists: Maestro Abbado and pianist Argerich

A special appointment was promoted by the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia on the occasion of the Natale di Roma. On the stage of the Parco della Musica auditorium with two great artists: maestro Claudio Abbado and pianist Martha Argerich, who have always been united by an intense artistic research activity.

Two letters hand written by Garibaldi for the 150th anniversary of italian unification

Two unpublished letters hand written by Giuseppe Garibaldi dated March 3, 1861, addressed to the workers of Milan, are preserved in the Bracco Historical Archive. Bracco Foundation is presenting these important documents to the city on the occasion of celebrations for the 150th anniversary of Italian Unification.

Conference “Why invest in culture?”

In the setting of the ninth Confindustria Week of Corporate Culture, Bracco Foundation is organising a conference on the relationship between Corporate Foundations and Culture, on the importance of economic investments in culture as a way of helping our society grow.